About Mona Daniella 2
This website is to remember Mona Daniella, the sensitive, gentle, kind, and caring person she was. For the short time she lived, she accomplished a lot. Gone too soon, she will be missed forever.
For Remembering Mona, her life, the domain name www.MonaDaniella.com will be used as this was the name she used in Facebook, Twitter, among other social media. you will see pictures (some with comments) from the day she was born. They won't always be in chronological order. Here is Mona as a child. This is one of our favorite pictures, you can see love, the smile in her eyes, she could be sometimes mischievous in a funny sense... Her big cheeks, her big eyes... The domain name www.MonaHaddad.com was intended for Mona to use when alive, for her writings, academic achievements, and career achievements after college. You will be used you will be able to read her writings, which have been both published and not published; some were published in important literary magazines when she was 10 years old. In addition all her academic achievements, among others will also be on that site. I will also be posting pictures, updates in the JOURNALS page. To all her friends, to all those who knew her: please, could you send us by email, or by mail, any pictures, videos, recordings you might have of Mona, and your stories about Mona? How did you meet her, what impacted she had on your lives, your sleepover memories, your "HAD SO MUCH FUN" moments, the silly things both of you did or said... and anything else you can think of. Thank you.
Mona's family |
Mona Daniella as a child